[Stretham-rec] Fwd: Q&A etc.

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Wed May 6 13:19:48 BST 2020

Dear All,
Sending out this email from Greg Pearce separately to the REC Saturday Drop
There is a lot of useful information here and items you may be interested
in: the Q & A session on 'passing the treble' and useful Youtube recordings
on Abel. Even if you have not got Abel, looking at these may help you
decide on whether or not to purchase. Finally, what I think will be a very
enjoyable webinar tomorrow night.
These are all open to ringers across the Association.
Best wishes,

Dear all,

Here are details of this Saturday's learners' Q&A drop-in, some information
about the ringing simulator Abel, and a last call to sign up for the
webinar coming up this Thursday.

*Learners' Q&A Drop-in*

*This week's learners' Q&A drop-in will be on Saturday morning at 10am.*

There is a special focus this week on 'passing the treble'.  You might have
heard people talk about this -- what do they mean?  How does it help you
ring a method like Bob Doubles or Grandsire Doubles?  Can it rescue you
from a sticky situation?

All other questions welcome too, so if you've got a question about ringing
and you didn't know who to ask, whether you'd just like to talk about what
you're currently learning, or you'd just like to hear about other learners'
experiences, consider dropping in to Saturday's session. Organised by
the Cambridge District (but very much open to all), we'll happily talk
about anything from starting to ring rounds through to learning method
ringing.  If you prefer, you can e-mail questions to
education at cambridgeringing.info (please say if you would like to remain
anonymous!) and we will answer them in the session, but feel free also to
just drop in and ask on the day.

Zoom details for Saturday morning are:

Topic: Learners' Q&A drop-in: Passing the treble
Time: May 9, 2020 10:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 4214 0366
Password: 237300
One tap mobile
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+442034815240,,87842140366#,,1#,237300# United Kingdom

Dial by your location
        +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
        +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
        +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
        +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 878 4214 0366
Password: 237300
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd0iRTH2SI


A few people have asked recently about the ringing software Abel (
http://www.abelsim.co.uk/), which is one way to practice some aspects of
ringing from home.  If you have Abel and you're not sure where to start,
Roger Booth from the Association of Ringing Teachers has put together a
series of short videos aimed at learners explaining how to use it:


*Odious Invective and Fabulous Falsities: Change-ringing in 18th century

Our next webinar will be on Thursday 7th May at 7.30pm.  Following on from
the highly popular talk on ringing in Cambridge in the 16th and 17th
Centuries, Gareth Davies follows up with a discussion of ringing in
Cambridge in the 18th Century.

Sign up here:


Best wishes,

Greg Pearce
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