[Stretham-rec] Practices this week

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 14:22:19 BST 2020

Hi All,
Practices at the REC this week are as follows:

*Monday 5 October - 7pm*
Plain Hunt, Plain Bob Doubles, plain courses of Plain Bob Minor and Reverse

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 1345 0275
Passcode: 994299

*Wednesday 7 October - 7pm*
A variety of Doubles Methods including Reverse Canterbury, St Simons and St

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 0156 4302
Passcode: 757312
One tap mobile

*Saturday 10 October - 11:30 am*
To include all ringing from rounds to plain hunt to doubles and minor
methods. Let me know what you would like to practice.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 6125 4369
Passcode: 827156

Please note that if you want to join any of the above and you are under 18
years, please ask a parent or guardian to join in initially so we know you
have their consent to join.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining this mailing list
please ask them to enter their details on the following page:
If you have any questions about the above to contact me direct please use:
strethamrec at elyda.org.uk or louise9595 at gmail.com
Best wishes,
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