[Stretham-rec] Ely District Ringing

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 11:10:07 BST 2020

Hi All,
Sincere apologies as I should have sent this out earlier.
Along with the REC Practice this morning the Ely District Meeting takes
place this afternoon. Remember you do not have to be a member of the Ely
District to join in the ringing.
Best wishes,

Details are as follows:

Here is the Zoom invitation for our district meeting on Saturday 12th
2 – 4.30 pm.

   Join Zoom Meeting


   Meeting ID: 830 0906 2628

   Passcode: 532444

We are planning on ringing at the Bottisham Ringing Room tower 2 – 3 pm and
approx. 3.30 – 4.30 pm, with a District Business meeting via Zoom 3 –
approx. 3.30 pm. The Ringing Room identifier for Bottisham tower will be
supplied when you join the Zoom meeting. Agenda for the business meeting,
and minutes of the last business meeting, will be available shortly.

If you are in touch with any local ringers who do not have internet access,
please consider inviting them to join you at a suitable location so they
can be involved. The Ringing Room interface allows two bells to be rung, so
two people can ring one each.

Best wishes

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