[Stretham-rec] Stretham REC practices 8th - 13th February
Rebecca Glazier
becca_glazier at icloud.com
Sat Feb 6 20:28:19 GMT 2021
Hi All,
Here are the Zoom links for this week.
Monday 8th February 7pm – Steve Setter/Louise Dobson
Rounds, big and little change, Plain Hunt, plain courses and touches of Plain Bob Doubles and Minor, St Simon’s and St Martin’s.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 8320 2590
Passcode: 584543
Wednesday 10th February 6.15pm Handbells and 7pm for Tower Bells - Dee Smith/Louise Dobson
Please do join at 6.15 for Handbells, even if you have not done so before. The breakout rooms enable us to work in small groups for greater benefit. Handbell teachers are more than welcome too. Rounds, Plain Hunt, Plain Bob Minor and Major.
Tower Bell practice begins at 7pm. Dee will be continuing with the Blue Pathway scheme. We will also be looking at Single Oxford with Bobs and Singles.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 9879 3416
Passcode: 733826
Saturday 13th February 10.15 am EDA Handbells (Please use the same link each week)
20th February, 27th February, 6th March and 13th March
Use this Zoom link to join the sessions:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85124911727?pwd=WXNyM1o1eWYraDNFeGlteGtjWmE3Zz09 <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85124911727?pwd=WXNyM1o1eWYraDNFeGlteGtjWmE3Zz09>
Meeting ID: 851 2491 1727
Passcode: 142536
Saturday 13th of February Tower Bells 11.30am - Louise Dobson/Dee Smith
A practice for everyone from rounds to methods. Please contact Louise if there is something you would particularly like to practise.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 5104 2286
Passcode: 981754
Please note that if you would like to join any of the above and you are under 18 years, please ask a parent or guardian to join in initially so we know you have their consent to join.
Best wishes,
If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining this mailing list please ask them to enter their details on the following page:
https://lists.mythic-beasts.com/mailman/listinfo/stretham-rec <https://lists.mythic-beasts.com/mailman/listinfo/stretham-rec>
If you have any questions about the above to contact me direct please use:
strethamrec at elyda.org.uk <mailto:strethamrec at elyda.org.uk> or louise9595 at gmail.com <mailto:louise9595 at gmail.com>
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