[Stretham-rec] Practices at the REC for Week Beginning 4 January

d.g.curry at btinternet.com d.g.curry at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 4 18:32:38 GMT 2021

Hello Louise,

I'm not new to handbells so the invitation to a try them may not 
apply....but I'd still be interested.

Best Wishes,

------ Original Message ------
From: "Louise Dobson" <louise9595 at gmail.com>
To: stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org
Sent: Monday, 4 Jan, 2021 At 18:22
Subject: [Stretham-rec] Practices at the REC for Week Beginning 4 

Hi All,
Sincere apologies. The New Year sees me being even later with this 
Please note that we are now, thanks to Dee, going to hold regular hand 
bell sessions during the week. Everyone is welcome including those who 
would like to give hand bell ringing a try for the first time. As this 
is new please let us know if you would like to come along by replying to 
this email. Depending on how many want to come along break out rooms can 
be set up so everyone can be catered for.

Monday 4 January - 7pm

Rounds, big and little change, Plain Hunt, plain courses and touches of 
Plain Bob Doubles and  Minor and a look at St Simons/St Martins

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 9873 2205
Passcode: 145273

Wednesday 6 January - Handbells 6:15 pm - Tower Bells from 7pm
Looking at a variety of doubles methods with a view to moving on to 
other minor methods.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 3978 5965
Passcode: 353501

Saturday 9 January -  Handbells from 10:15 - Tower Bells from 11:30am
A practice for everyone from rounds to methods. Please send me an email 
and let me know what you would like to ring.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 5981 2594
Passcode: 113518

Please note that if you want to join any of the above and you are under 
18 years, please ask a parent or guardian to join in initially so we 
know you have their consent to join.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining this mailing 
list please ask them to enter their details on the following page:

If you have any questions about the above to contact me direct please 
strethamrec at elyda.org.uk <mailto:strethamrec at elyda.org.uk>  or 
louise9595 at gmail.com <mailto:louise9595 at gmail.com>
Best wishes,

Stretham-rec mailing list
Stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org

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