[Stretham-rec] Stretham REC 15th -20th March

d.g.curry d.g.curry at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 13 21:21:45 GMT 2021

Merci Beccoup,


------ Original Message ------
From: "Becca " <becca_glazier at icloud.com>
To: "stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org" <stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org>
Sent: Saturday, 13 Mar, 2021 At 13:15
Subject: [Stretham-rec] Stretham REC 15th -20th March

Dear All,

This week’s practices:

Monday 15th March
7pm- 8pm – Steve Setter/Louise Dobson
Rounds, big and little change, Plain Hunt,  plain courses and touches of 
Plain Bob Doubles and Minor, St Simon’s and St Martin’s

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 2337 2894
Passcode: 726453

Wednesday 17th March
Handbells 6.15 to 7pm and Tower Bells 7 pm – 8pm -  Dee smith

All welcome for Handbells : Rounds, Plain Hunt, Plain Bob Minor and 
Tower Bells: Dee will be continuing with the Blue Pathway scheme. 
Currently looking at Doubles Variations and St Clements Minor.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 7850 6806
Passcode: 769997

Saturday 20th March
10.15  EDA Handbells – 11.30 (Please use the same link each week)-Lesley 
20th, 27th March, 3rd April
A session for beginners and improvers on Handbells and/or Ringing Room 
Handbell teachers and helpers will be there to support you. Rounds, 
Plain Hunt, Plain Bob Minor and Major, Orginal.
Use this Zoom link to join the sessions:
Meeting ID: 851 2491 1727
Passcode: 142536
No 11.30 am Tower Bell Session
3pm -5pm Beyond Bob Minor- Dee Smith
The first in a series of monthly (3rd Saturday) Theory and Ringing Room 
sessions to assist ringers to move on from Bob Minor to more advanced 
methods. Come along if you can ring Plain Bob Minor and would like to 
work on more challenging methods such as Little Bob, with the aim of 
working towards simple Treble Bob and Surprise methods.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 1712 2116
Passcode: 926775

Best Wishes,
Becca (on behalf of Louise)

Please note: Minors will need a parent/guardians consent before 

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