[Stretham-rec] Stretham REC practices for week beginning 10 May

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Sun May 9 20:02:41 BST 2021

Hi All,
I am afraid I have not worked out how to do the same meeting invite for the
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday sessions so with apologies the Zoom links

*Monday Tower Bells*


Meeting ID: 853 6404 4159
Passcode: 716768

*Wednesday Hand and Tower Bells*

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 3861 0267
Passcode: 813573

*For the Saturday Handbell session please use this link:*


*Meeting ID: 851 2491 1727Passcode: 142536*

* Saturday Tower Bells*


Meeting ID: 819 2485 2161
Passcode: 503170

I will work out how to do this for next week.

Details of the practices are below.

Best wishes,


*May 2021*

*Monday 10 *

*Wednesday 12*

*Saturday 815*

*7pm- 8pm – Steve Setter/Louise Dobson*

*Handbells 6.15 to 7pm -Dee Smith*

*10.15  EDA Handbells – 11.30 (Please use the same link each week)-Lesley

Plain Hunt, Plain Bob Doubles, Plain Bob Minor, St Simons and St Martins
and Little Bob.

Hopefully you will have had a chance to look at the bobs in Little Bob and
you are welcome to practice calling touches.

All welcome for Handbells from beginners to experienced : Rounds, Plain
Hunt, Plain Bob Minor and Major, Treble Bob and Little Bob Minor.

A session for beginners and improvers on Handbells and/or Ringing Room.
Handbell teachers and helpers will be there to support you. Rounds, Plain
Hunt, Plain Bob Minor and Major, Original and more.

*Tower Bells 7 pm – 8pm -  Dee smith*

*11.45-12.45 Tower bells – Louise Dobson/Dee Smith*

Tower Bells: This will be our final week of the Blue Pathway methods
(although we may return to them in future sessions). We are going on to
ring other Plain Minor Methods: Reverse Bob and Double Bob including Bobs
and Singles (!) *Diagrams Attached. *

Let me know if there is something you want to practice.
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