[Stretham-rec] Focused Practices

d.g.curry d.g.curry at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 9 15:38:36 GMT 2022

Hi Louise,

I hope the job news is good.

To save me typing (!) I've just put comments after the questions in your 

Best Wishes,

------ Original Message ------
From: "Louise Dobson" <louise9595 at gmail.com>
To: stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org
Sent: Wednesday, 9 Feb, 2022 At 12:59
Subject: [Stretham-rec] Focused Practices

Hi all,
We are thinking about holding a focused practice on Plain Hunt on the 
afternoon of Saturday 26 February from 14:30 to 16:30.
In order to run this we would need teachers and support ringers to 
provide a steady band for the students.
Two questions:

1. Are there any teachers or support ringers who would be available to 
help out on the day?

2. Are there any students who would be interested in attending?
We are looking at ringers who have just started Plain Hunt, used to ring 
Plain Hunt, who want to ring Plain Hunt from a different bell than they 
usually ring from, or who want to learn to tenor behind.

Yes to all. I would like to develop a good sense of rhythm and do a 
really polished bob doubles.

Please let me know if you are interested so I can assess whether a 
practice would be viable.

Also, we are considering holding focused practice sessions in future 
looking at, for example, ringing up and down in peal, plain hunting to 
Plain Bob Doubles, ringing inside to Plain Bob Doubles, Plain Bob Minor, 
other double and minor methods.

Again, to see if this is viable I would be grateful if:

1. You let me know what you want a focused practice on? It could be one 
of the above or something else.

Yes to all of the above, starting wi' treblin' to a minor method. I can 
just about do it in doubles (cos' I don't have to look for five other 
bells, just four).

2. Would you be willing to attend as a support ringer?

If I'm good enough, yes.

3. Are there any ringers out there who would like to lead a focused 
practice and what on?

The REC would like to be a place where ringers can come along to improve 
their ringing, feel more comfortable ringing and make progress. To do 
this we need your feedback.

Many thanks for your replies.
Best wishes,
Stretham-rec mailing list
Stretham-rec at lists.beasts.org

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