[Stretham-rec] REC practice this week - Saturday 19 February (Please read the bit about Plain Hunt)

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 11:27:58 GMT 2022

Hi all,
If you would like to come along to the REC this Saturday 19 February, for
individual bell handling training, please let me know by emailing
strethamrec at elyda.org.uk  so we can organise times and teachers.

At the moment we plan to run a beginners band practice from 12:00. It is
helpful if you can let me know if you will be coming along for this so we
can tailor the practice to what people would like to ring. Support ringers
and students are very welcome to join us.

Students are asked for a donation of £3 per session.

*Notice for Plain Hunt*
Both for those who are coming to the focused practice next Saturday
afternoon and any other ringers interested in the theory of Plain Hunt,
Martin Kitson has kindly agreed to run an online
session on Monday 21 February from 7:15 pm. For this we will be using Zoom
and Ringing Room. If you would like to come along the details are:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 871 8311 1745

Passcode: 489517

Stretham REC Ringing Room details:


*There is no charge for this session.*
*If anyone has not used Ring Room before, do not worry, we will take you
through it.*
*Please let me know if you would like to attend so we can get an idea of

Please remember that we have always treated the REC practices as 'Drop In'
sessions as it can be difficult to attend every week. Whenever you want to
come to a REC practice for one to one handling or band practice, you will
always be welcome.

If you are interested in joining the REC mailing list you can enter your
contact details at:
Alternatively, please email me at strethamrec at elyda.org.uk advising you
would like to be put on the list and I will add your name.
You can unsubscribe from the list at any time. If you would like me to do
this for you, please let me know.

Best wishes,
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