[Stretham-rec] Stretham REC - no sessions 6th or 13th May

StrethamRec Teachers stretrecteach at gmail.com
Mon May 1 09:55:41 BST 2023

Dear All,
This is a reminder that there will be NO sessions at the Stretham REC on
Saturday 6th May (Coronation) or on Saturday 13th May (Ely DA AGM).
Sessions will resume as usual on Saturday 20th May.

If you are interested in joining the REC mailing list you can enter your
contact details at:
https://lists.mythic-beasts.com/mailman/listinfo/stretham-rec  Alternatively,
please email me at strethamrec at elyda.org.uk advising you would like to be
put on the list and I will add your name.

You can unsubscribe from the list at any time. If you would like me to do
this for you, please let me know.

Best wishes,
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