[Stretham-rec] Plain Hunt Session

StrethamRec Teachers stretrecteach at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 12:12:24 GMT 2023

Forward notice!

On *Saturday 16th December 2023* at Stretham REC from 11.30 am - 1.15 pm

We will be repeating (for those ringers who were not able to attend last
time and for those who would like to come again)
*the Introduction to 'Steps to Plain Hunt' focussed practice* in place of
the general band practice. This will be specifically for ringers who can
already ring rounds and call changes, and either have tried plain hunt
without too much success or would like to try plain hunt for the first
time. We will practice the skills needed for plain hunt (speed changes,
lengthening and shortening the tail end, leading, and ropesight exercises)
as well as plain hunt itself. It is helpful, but not essential.

Please let Dee know if you are planning to attend by emailing
rato at elyda.org.uk
Early next year we will be holding sessions for invited ringers to Plain
Hunt with experienced bands.

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