[Stretham-rec] REC sessions 24th August

StrethamRec Teachers stretrecteach at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 14:50:22 BST 2024

🔔Dear Ringers!🔔

1-2-1 sessions will run at 10am & 10:45am this coming
 Saturday 24th August.
If you would like to book a session please DO NOT reply to this email but
email me by Wednesday at:
*strethamrec at elyda.org.uk <strethamrec at elyda.org.uk>*
If you intend to join band practice at 11:30am please also book this
session! If we do not have enough students and/or tutors we may cancel band
practice it also helps us plan the session. We ask that you donate £3 for
your session which goes toward the maintenance of the ropes, bells and
refreshments. 🫖

‼️The REC will be closed 17th & 14th September for the tutors to have a
well earned break! We will resume sessions again on 21st September.
However our Ely District meeting is on 7th September at Wicken so do come
along to that! Ringers of any ability are welcome to attend as tutors will
be on hand to help you.

🎗️Do remember that if you have any friends or family who may be interested
in learning to ring, that they are very welcome to attend just email me

Kindest regards
Louise Webber
Stretham REC admin📝
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