[Stretham-rec] Saturday 16th March

StrethamRec Teachers stretrecteach at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 09:39:32 GMT 2024

🌞 Good morning!

The Stretham REC will be holding one-to-one bell handling sessions this
Saturday 16th March.
Sessions are at 10am & 10:45am. 🔔
*Please note there will be NO band practice this Saturday.*

If you would like to come along to the REC this Saturday for individual
bell handling sessions at 10:00 or 10:45 (*do not click reply to this
email!*) let me know by emailing  strethamrec at elyda.org.uk  on or before
Wednesday 13th March, so we can organise times and teachers. I will try to
fulfil all requests, and confirm the times by email on Thursday.

*The STEP information*
There are lots of exciting events being planned for this year, we do hope
you will support them, you will be the first to hear about them on here!
The Stretham Tower Enhancement Project team are asking kindly for prizes
for a charity raffle to be held later in the year. Do you know of any
one/business who would be willing to donate an amazing prize? Please get in
contact if you do 😃

All students are asked for a donation of £3 per session including band
practice sessions.
Ringers attending Stretham REC will see a 'STEP donations' box next to the
normal REC £3/session donations box. The aims of the project are listed
here (https://www.elyda.org.uk/learning-and-teaching/strethamrec/step)
designed to make everyone's experience of learning to ring at Stretham much
more pleasurable! We hope you will feel able to donate to STEP in addition
at some point!

Kind regards,
Stretham REC admin

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Alternatively, please email me at strethamrec at elyda.org.uk advising you
would like to be removed from the list.
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