[Bell Historians] Warner & Sons bell 1867

director montaukhistoricalsociety.org director at montaukhistoricalsociety.org
Mon Mar 20 17:22:41 GMT 2023


We have found an 1867 Warner & Sons bell in our historical society's barn in Montauk, NY.  There is no additional writing on it but it looks possible that some letters (a ship’s name?) were filed off at some point.  

Montauk is at the very tip of Long Island, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Long Island Sound, and as such has seen many shipwrecks.  

I would like to know if there’s a way I can get a list of all the ships that were launched in 1867, and then perhaps trace each one to see if it ended in a wreck.  Are you aware of where I might be able to find records of ships’ launchings?

My guess is that the bell was salvaged from a wreck and then repurposed somehow.  It is unlikely that it was forged in London to be a church or school bell in the US because in 1867 we had plenty of local foundries.

Any help would be hugely appreciated!


Mia Certic

Mia Certic
Executive Director
Montauk Historical Society
Phone:  (631) 668-5340
Cell:  (631) 353-8531

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