[Bell Historians] Warner & Sons bell 1867

c.j.pickford at talk21.com c.j.pickford at talk21.com
Tue Mar 21 18:24:02 GMT 2023

Carl Scott Zimmerman had already told me of this bell, and it is the only Warner bell (leaving aside Newburyport bells of 1795 and 1800 by "Old John Warner") that I know of in the USA. There are some of the 1860s and 70s in Canada. I strongly suspect, though, that there are more yet to be discovered and reported.

The size of the bell would be a good indication of intended use. Ship's bells tend to be relatively small - in the range of, say, 8 to 20 inches diameter. Also the style of casting - and the nature of the erased words - might help. If you can post photos and tell us the mouth diameter of the bell, it might be possible to give a less general opinion on it

Chris Pickford

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