
David Bryant djb122 at y...
Thu Apr 18 13:30:09 BST 2002

When requesting to look at bells no doubt we've all experienced the full
compass of reactions, from the 'of course' to the blank stare and
'why?'. Some people are accommodating (just pick up the keys from the
vicarage and drop them back when you've finished), and some are less so.
No doubt we've all come across the 'there's no need for you to bother to
go up there - I've got the inscriptions here' reaction, whereupon a list
which may possibly bear a passing resemblance to what is actually on the
bells is produced, and persuading them to let you go and take details
yourself is rather a struggle. What do people think is the best tactic
to use in such cases. Suggesting that their version of the inscriptions
is probaly full of errors is hardly diplomatic! Wanting details of
fittings I one which I use, but then you get asked why in fact you are
also taking the inscriptions and protests that they are short of time.
Has anyone found a magic solution to this problem?


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