[Bell Historians] Chimes

mikechester_uk mike at m...
Sun Apr 21 23:06:22 BST 2002

> Odeon: The original 32-bell instrument of 1927/8 (bass bell 6-0-0 
in C) was replaced coompletely just 2 or 3 years later in 1930, the 
new set having a bass bell of 6-2-3 in C. According to the 4th 
edition of Dove (1968) these bells had been "sold and shipped to 
Belgium", Maybe they still exist

You can buy a recording of the organ, including the bells I presume, 


It says that the organ was dismantled in 1964 and is professionally 
stored and available to be rebuilt at some point, if you have a 
rather large room to spare!

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