[Bell Historians] Anti-clockwise rings

John Paul Adams J.Adams at u...
Wed Apr 24 17:34:19 BST 2002

>> Er - John, when did you ring at Southfleet? They have been condemned as
>> unringable since 1930 (the year that Samuel Goslin rehung them!). Have you
>> been a naughty boy? I must admit that I haven't visited the derelict belfry,
>> so cannot comment on whether they are anticlockwise or not. (Northfleet
>> nearby is.)

They were not that bad, and I've certainly rung on a lot worse. I wonder
how many other rings have gone negelected because A.N.Other said they were
past it, and nobody has been there since to look? Doesn't this happen often
enough with church architects condeming the structure of a tower, only for
the successor architect to then say it was perfectly OK in the first


John Paul Adams, Medical School IT Support Section,
University College London, London, WC1E 6BT.
Work: 020-7679-6867. Email: J.Adams at u...
WWW: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ccaajpa/

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