[Bell Historians] Ewerby

Andrew Aspland aaspland at y...
Tue Dec 3 17:56:09 GMT 2002

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Ewerby still have the ground floor ropes! I did do a bit of tidying up at
Ewerby when I lived in Sleaford. The lower tier (bells 3,5,7,8,9,10 in two
rows of three) is a proper H castings frame but the upper tier is just
girders. Taylors didn't seem to consider that the ropes of the upper tier
would have to pass through the lower - the sixth rope has to run through a
groove cut into the wall when, with a slightly different arrangement, it
could have easily passed by the side of the seventh which hangs below. My
memory is that the third was a particularly modern sounding bell.
Darrington trebles were dedicated on the 16th March 1896 - the tenor and
restored old three were dedicated on 5th November 1895. I confess that I
have never looked inside for a number!

Taylor's Catalogue of c1910 gives the dates of peals cast since 1896 (and a
couple of earlier ones) here they are:
1895 Bedford, St Peter's 6, 13cwt.
1896 Cambridge, St Mary's R.C. Church 9, 32cwt.
1896 Norton (Derbys) 8, 16cwt.
1896 Braceborough (Lincs) 5, 9cwt.
1896 Brewood (Staffs) 8, 22cwt.

And the bits and pieces:
1896 Biddenham (Beds) a tenor 6, 13cwt.
1896 Clophill (Beds) a first 2, 9cwt.
1896 Dunstable (Beds) a first, fourth, seventh and tenor 8, 24cwt.
1896 South Ascot (Berks) 1, 7cwt.
1896 Repton (Derbys) a fifth and tenor 6, 18cwt.
1896 Tidenham (Glos) a first and tenor 6, 10cwt.
1895 Freshwater (IoW) a new ring except the fifth 6, 17cwt.
1896 Isle of Wight Asylum 1, 10cwt.
1896 Rochester St Margaret's a first and second 8, 12cwt.
1896 Deane (Lancs) a first and second 8, 13cwt.
1896 Mossley Hill (Lancs) a first, second, and third quarter and hour 5,
1896 Ratby (Leics) a first, second and tenor 6, 10cwt.
1895 Sapcote (Leics) a first,second and third 6, 9cwt.
1896 Walton-on-the-Wolds (Leics) a first and tenor 5, 10cwt.
1896 Rushton (Northants) a first third and tenor 6, 9cwt.
1896 Eyensham (Oxon) a first, second, fourth and tenor 6, 9cwt.
1895 Oxford St Mary's a second 6, 28cwt.
1896 Exton (Rut) a first and tenor 6, 13cwt.
1895 Barrington (Som) a first, second and tenor 6, 16cwt.
1896 Collingbourne Kingston (Wilts) a first and tenor 6, 19cwt.
1896 Darrington (Yorks) a first, second and tenor 6, 13cwt.
1896 Grinton (Yorks) a first, fourth and tenor 6, 10cwt.
1896 Hooton Pagnall (Yorks) a new chime except the seventh, also a semitone
9, 14cwt.
1895 Ny Carlsberg, Denmark 2, 19cwt.

I don't imagine this is all of their 1895 work so why have these particular
ones got a mention?

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