
David Bryant djb122 at y...
Mon Feb 18 09:20:20 GMT 2002

oakcroft13 wrote:
> What struck me about the picture of the Kingweston bell was the way
> it was mounted on the headstock. With such a flat crown, I could
> imagine the headstock damping any vibrations in the crown. Bob Perrin
> has published a paper on the effect on bell timbre of crown damping
> and large bosses on the top of the bell. If anyone is interested, I
> could dig out the reference (I have a copy he sent me the other day).

They aren't the original fittings - I expect it would originally have
had hooped gudgeons. The present fittings date from a rehang, which I
think was by Whitehcapel in the 1930s. The timber and cast iron frame is
original - I'll see if I have any pictures showing it. As the photo of
the tenor shows, the installation is extremely cramped - I think they
must have been the largest ring of bells that could physically be fitted
into the tower!


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