'Simpson' tuning

oakcroft13 bill at h...
Fri Feb 22 16:35:46 GMT 2002

Steve Ivin:

> The really crucial stage was reached when it was realised
> that the fundamental could be sharpened by thickening the
> crown and the shoulder corner.

Absolutely, I too would identify this as crucial. A very good example 
is Greenwich tenor (Mears 1825 with tuning) - hum 118 cents sharp, 
but very quiet, prime only 67 cents flat (not very much compared with 
some of the horrors of the 19th century) but quieter than the 
nominal. A very nice match with the true-harmonic bells in my view.

> Perhaps equally crucial was the acquisition of a set of
> Koenig forks in the 1890's.

Do you know when this was? The exact date would be very interesting. 
Presumably one can tell from tuning figures in the day books.

> the 'Simpson howl', which was I suspect a useful code to
> use when refering to G&J,

Some Gilletts bells have really strident high partials - stronger 
than any modern Taylor work. Also, sometimes their nominal tuning is 
a bit squiffy (e.g. Egham). Is there any truth in the rumour that 
Johnston sometimes tuned bells while drunk?

Bill H

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