[Bell Historians] The "Guinness" Book of Bells

Michael Wilby michael_wilby at y...
Wed Apr 16 14:42:32 BST 2003

We keep having discussions about the oldest bell in
regular use, oldest octave etc. And I keep forgetting
the answers! Can we have a serious attempt at getting
the answers to certain "records".

First complete 12 - St Martin in the Fields
Oldest complete 12 - St Paul's

I think I'm right in saying that the first complete 12
was actually cast for St Michael's Cornhill by Phelps
in 1728. St Martin-in-the-Fields were originally
supplied as a ring of ten.
St Paul's is certainly the oldest surviving complete
12 (1878), though prior to this ring complete 12s
existed at Southwark (1735), Mancroft (1775),
Shrewsbury (1798), Pier Head (1813), Quex (1818/19),
Oldham (1830), Leeds (1840) and Worcester Cathedral

Was Lichfield the first complete 10 to be cast? And
is Bury St Edmunds the oldest complete 10 still in


But do we have the answers to 6,8 and 10?


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