The Glengarry Bell

John Paul Adams J.Adams at u...
Tue Dec 30 15:50:01 GMT 2003

After ringing a few weeks ago at Southgate, I was intreagued by a
framed picture hanging on the wall of a bell and headstock. It is
titled "The Glengarry Bell". There is no scale, so it could be large
or small, but has a ringing headstock minus stay and wheel. The bell
has an ornate border but otherwise is blank.

The tower captain, Dennis Willcocks, thinks it may be from an old
Bell News or Ringing World article about the bell.

Although it sounds rather Scottish, a google search only reveals
a few "North American" locations of that name.

As to why it is hanging in the tower at Southgate, that is another
mystery. Has anyone got any details about the bell, where it is and
what the article was about?


John Paul Adams, Medical School IT Support Section,
University College London, London, WC1E 6BT.
Work: 020-7679-6867. Email: J.Adams at u...

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