[Bell Historians] Gylcerine (was Bellringing Memorials)

David Bryant djb122 at y...
Tue Jan 7 17:04:38 GMT 2003

Steve Ivin wrote:

> Indeed, a rather special table in St Philips ringing chamber, from which
> glycerine bottles are strictly verboten.

And so they should be. In fact, it would help if they were banned from every
tower. People who use the stuff seem quite oblivious to the fact that others
have to put up with their gunky mess on the ropes, the tails of which go
hard and black before too long and the sallies of which ooze second-hand
glycerine when they get damp. Is its use a regional thing, I wonder? It was
much beloved of many in Somerset but I've yet to see a single bottle of it
in Yorkshire, fortunately!

(end of rant!)


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