[Bell Historians] Diagonal bellframes

Chris Booth Chris at b...
Tue Sep 30 20:25:27 BST 2003

All Saints, Brailsford in Derbyshire has a diagonal frame designed for six bells but with only five hung by Abraham Rudhall in 1717 (recast from the original three "with extra bell mettall"). The oak frame was constructed by Francis Butcher from Sutton-cum-Duckmanton. Apart from some cast iron corner braces fitted by Taylors in 1956 when sixth bell was added into the vacant pit, the frame is untouched. It has a row of four bells across the middle (1,2,5,4) with the Tenor and the third flanking them. I have always assumed that the arrangement was to minimise the stresses on the tower since a conventional square arrangement would have been easier to fit in to the available space.

Chris Booth
----- Original Message ----- 
From: sem at u... 
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com 
Sent: 30 September 2003 15:30
Subject: [Bell Historians] Diagonal bellframes

Does anyone have any data on bells which are/were hung diagonally in the
tower (rings of five and above)ie what is good/bad about such installations
and how common they were.
Sue Marsden
PS I already know about Ramsey, Hunts


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