Re: Re: [Bell Historians]  St Mary's, Shrewsbury

David Bryant david at b...
Thu Apr 22 11:21:12 BST 2004

> Thank you David. I'm also interested in when and why it was hung for full
> circle ringing. Are there any other examples of bells hung full circle in
> one part of the church separate to the ring in the tower?
> Obviously disregarding examples such as Rugby!

The hour bell at Truro Cathedral - the main ring are in the north-west tower, and the five clock bells and sanctus bell are in the Green tower (east side of S transept). The quarter bells are hung dead (on ringing headstocks with no other ringing fittings?), the sanctus on a timber headstock with no other ringing fittings (?), and the hour bell with full ringing fittings including a cast iron Taylor headstock in an H frame (?)

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