[Bell Historians] Re: G&J Simpson rings

David Bryant david at b...
Sun Jun 6 11:15:51 BST 2004

> Surely when you're designing a new frame in a tower that size it
> doesn't matter a stuff what the fittings are like as you can design
> the frame around them. It wouldn't have made any difference if the
> headstocks had been Gillett's web pattern, the new bearings meant
> that the fixing hole centres would have exaclty fitted a Taylor frame
> side, making the whole thing a piece of cake!

The Taylor type ones are better, though. The web section ones tend to be
heavy and cumbersome and make the bells sluggish. The various types of
Gillett canon retaining stocks are all disastrous, and are now sometimes
being replaced to make the bells easier to handle - e.g. St Thomas,



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