Old Bell Frames

Richard Offen richard.offen at o...
Tue Jun 15 15:39:26 BST 2004

How about a complete change of subject?

I was chatting to an architect friend of mine over here in Perth the 
other evening and we got on to the subject of bells and the frames 
they are hung in (he is inspecting architect for one of the churches 
with a ring of bells over here).

He wanted to know how old the oldest timber frame is, still 
supporting a regularly use change ringing peal, and where it is? He 
accepted that many frames have evolved over the centuries, but, as he 
said, there must be a few left where the majority of material is from 
one period.

I must admit I couldn't answer his question, but said that I knew a 
group of people who could!

Suggestions please.


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