Wye tenor was Wolverhampton tenor

Nick Bowden nickwbowden at f...
Thu Jun 17 13:47:17 BST 2004

"Richard Offen" <richard.offen at o...> wrote:
> GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING - the weight quoted before the work at 
> by Whitechapel, in the late 1970s, was the one supplied by Warners 
> after they restored the bells in 1913. Warners were infamous for 
> having a foot on the scales when they weighed tenors they had 
> restored (Tenterden tenor is another example of this), so it would 
> best to ask Nigel Taylor if he can tell us how much was taken out 
> rather than jump to inaccurate conclusions!
> Richard

Wouldn't this also be the case with Bagshot?

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