[Bell Historians] message archive

Dickon Love dickon.love at a...
Tue Jun 29 14:39:21 BST 2004

> This is not quite correct: it is possible, though not easy,
> to download Yahoo's archive. I suspect Yahoo claim
> otherwise to avoid the tech support burden of explaining how
> to do it.
> I have just downloaded a complete archive of the list (up to
> and including Dickon's email about attachements). These do
> not include attachments, nor the 58 emails that, for
> whatever reason, have been removed from the archives.
> Should anyone want a copy, I'd be happy to make them
> available.
> Richard Smith

Well done Richard. I knew that this was possible, hence my suggestion 
for the moderator to ask someone who had already done it! I would 
recommend that the archive remains a txt file (a SINGLE one at that 
so that it can be searched more easily). It can always be updated at 
regular periods (6 monthly perhaps?) and then stored on a web server 
somewhere. How large is it at the moment?


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