[Bell Historians] Re: Heythrop, Oxon

Anne Willis zen16073 at z...
Thu May 6 19:21:12 BST 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: jimhedgcock [mailto:jameshedgcock at h...]
Sent: 06 May 2004 18:58
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Bell Historians] Re: Heythrop, Oxon

Perhaps Mr. Williams, wearing his librarian hat, would compile a list
of these historic books and indicate where they are available from
public libraries. Interested parties can then ask their local library
to obtain one for loan, rather than using the search facility, which
is not always accurate.

Is this neccessary? All you have to do is ask for an ILL via your local

There are a lot of books wih the Central Council Library, but I don't know
the position wrt the catalogue.

The SDGR certainly has an interesting collection in their library.
Presumably other Associations/Guilds do too.

And there's John Ketteringham and Chris Pickford's lists.

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