[Bell Historians] Carillon/chiming machines

Anne Willis zen16073 at z...
Thu May 27 19:51:59 BST 2004

Yes, Ann, it's known round here as 'the carillon', too, (even though the G&B
machine - a shorter version of the Worcester Cathedral machine, playing on
10 bells - has now been superseded by an electronic/electric version from
Joyce/Smiths of Derby; also the mechanical clock, too).

Chris Povey

Our 'carillon' was originally installed in 1737 by John now of Frome, when
the bells were augmented to eight; 'the chimes to be made to goe to any Tune
with pleasure in the compase of Eight Bells'. However all records point to
only four tunes ever being available. Not having Trevor Jennings' book to
hand, does this make it a fairly early installation?


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