[Bell Historians] Points of view/Great Malvern

Andrew Wilby andrew at w...
Fri May 28 17:08:59 BST 2004

Teams of ringers are very precious things. They take many years of effort to
build and yet can be destroyed reletively easily. It is an act of folly (in
human terms that really matter) to let one disappear.

The Government makes much of building "sustainable communities". Ringing teams
also need to be sustained and treated as of value.
How ironic that Government bodies such as EH don't understand these matters,
putting their triffling opinions before the greater good. The exercise of sheer
power of course even though not an earth shattering subject.

It reinforces the political view that much of the government is now in agency
form and at arms length from the control of Ministers and Parliament. In no
circumstances should it be entrusted with any more power. Indeed the frontiers
need rolling back yet again.


> I may be wrong on some of this. Perhaps David Beacham or the Malvern
> ringers can enlighten us? The band will disintegrate soon which is great
> pity. The customer i.e. the ringers - when they said what they want -
> haven't been taken seriously or listened to. The case for a new frame
> was professionally compiled and presented.
> Mark

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