[Bell Historians] Founders' Artefacts

Anne Willis zen16073 at z...
Fri Sep 3 14:05:07 BST 2004

David Bryant writes;
Bellfounding is even now of course still to some extent an artisan craft
rather than a mechanised manufacturing industry. However, developments of
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries show the industrial revolution
affecting the bell trade. The Rudhalls were one of the first major founders
to use advances - they had the first tuning machine, they used water
transport to send bells over quite a wide area,

The Gloucester Foundries were very well placed in that they had the Severn
on their doorstep for transport north and south. It always amazes me that
Aldbourne and Chew Stoke had successful foundries when you consider
transport problems.

Whitechapel seem to have taken advantage of the developing canal system, as
I think some Hertfordshire founders did.

Anne Willis

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