[Bell Historians] CCC Bells & Clocks Committee
David Bryant
davidbryant at sGzy86OBTG0RPEv7uux5iIf3aEaC6F7OCoMzVxY4YRFpywbd1qC0eqifdPo4hVBBiPMASf1e1FQAaz_ZOwiLFg.yahoo.invalid
Tue Aug 29 18:15:03 BST 2006
> I wonder how many of you have been "approached" by the CCC to ask if you
> will serve on its new Bells & Clocks Committee?
What is the purpose of this email? If it is to stir up the repetitive debate
about how members of that committee are appointed (as I suspect) then I'll
intervene before it starts and request that this subject is not discussed.
It has been discussed before, and I don't think anything further can
usefully be said.
I fully appreciate that members of this list may have issues with the
appointment process, but these should be dirtected through the appropriate
channels - i.e. through the Council for the Care of Churches. If the matter
is debated openly it tends to degenerate into a slanging match against the
present committee and demands for them to explain how they were appointed.
This is not fair on them and I would request that we do not have a repeat of
this debate yet again.
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