[Bell Historians] CCC Bells & Clocks Committee

Robert Lewis editor at ShxVUpHKufDly3X9TnUT9nRZVP1CxWSFBSnpzUod_TF5Zes8-zcqS7AqKrws2nr25LVrO7A7TCVS7Ftb9lf-eQ.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 30 11:58:16 BST 2006

At 18:15 29/08/2006, David Bryant wrote:

> > I wonder how many of you have been "approached" by the CCC to ask if you
> > will serve on its new Bells & Clocks Committee?
>What is the purpose of this email? If it is to stir up the repetitive debate
>about how members of that committee are appointed (as I suspect) then I'll
>intervene before it starts and request that this subject is not discussed.
>It has been discussed before, and I don't think anything further can
>usefully be said.
>I fully appreciate that members of this list may have issues with the
>appointment process, but these should be dirtected through the appropriate
>channels - i.e. through the Council for the Care of Churches. If the matter
>is debated openly it tends to degenerate into a slanging match against the
>present committee and demands for them to explain how they were appointed.
>This is not fair on them and I would request that we do not have a repeat of
>this debate yet again.


I think most people on your list are grown-ups and quite capable of 
deciding for themselves whether this is a fit subject for open 
debate.  But, by all means, let us move it elsewhere, if you feel the need 
to leap in and censor on the extraordinary basis stated above.

Credibility is not just an issue for members of the new CCC Bells & Clocks 
committee ...



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