[Bell Historians] Musical scales

Carl S Zimmerman csz_stl at 7TPMikacJlaXrfwSEp9GlkOQhLYElUW4yfJmoXH10PcOnf73_tbFx7YD0pg8PNFu4Z4SHibfam-2fxHL8w.yahoo.invalid
Fri Dec 8 14:27:47 GMT 2006

When on 01:35 -0600 06/12/08, I wrote wrote:
>Read this with a monospaced font:
>Ringing #: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

it didn't occur to me that the mail-list server would convert all of 
the double spaces to single spaces!  So even if you know how to make 
your email program display messages in a monospaced font (such as 
Courier), it won't help much.

To solve the problem, I've put together this little Web page:

If that doesn't meet the needs of those who want to know the notes of 
the various scales, tell me why it doesn't and I'll see what I can do 
to help.



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