[Bell Historians] Musical scales

Carl S Zimmerman csz_stl at hwUYrkoMKhkDIIcS3TvrUlQFAc-uhSfbEopWVkVeh6l7spEmW7ViZStQkJITHz5d3e1cKYqWmL8Zymog.yahoo.invalid
Fri Dec 8 07:35:56 GMT 2006

Read this with a monospaced font:

Ringing #:  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
            (8 = tenor; 1 = treble)
Solfege:    Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
Interval:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
            (1 = unison, 8 = octave)
Key of Gb:  Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F  Gb (six flats)
Key of Db:  Db Eb F  Gb Ab Bb C  Db (five flats)
Key of Ab:  Ab Bb C  Db Eb F  G  Ab (four flats)
Key of Eb:  Eb F  G  Ab Bb C  D  Eb (three flats)
Key of Bb:  Bb C  D  Eb F  G  A  Bb (two flats)
Key of F:   F  G  A  Bb C  D  E  F  (one flat)
Key of C:   C  D  E  F  G  A  B  C  (no flats or sharps)
Key of G:   G  A  B  C  D  E  F# G  (one sharp)
Key of D:   D  E  F# G  A  B  C# D  (two sharps)
Key of A:   A  B  C# D  E  F# G# A  (three sharps)
Key of E:   E  F# G# A  B  C# D# E  (four sharps)
Key of B:   B  C# D# E  F# G# A# B  (five sharps)
Key of F#:  F# G# A# B  C# D# E# F# (six sharps)

In the major scale, you only need weird things like Cb or E# when in 
the key of six flats or six sharps, respectively.  Otherwise, they 
are used (as are double flats or double sharps) only with diminished 
or augmented intervals, respectively, and those don't occur in normal 



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