[Bell Historians] Re: Radial Frames

Richard Offen richard.offen at ot2DNzOrazYgGKBBiOQUtAI2yJusGuQJHTDI3h6B2UuIxag4jJFlTwcFIq6dl6p0zK1akZqmG6kS703QiTWfRc0.yahoo.invalid
Fri Dec 29 00:21:40 GMT 2006

 Thanks Richard  I really must
> try to be good  Yes we all had hoped for Washington to be the first 
12 in
> the USA but ...maybe the first 13 or is it to be 14? perhaps after 
> solved the problem of where to park cars they will get back to 
> so
> All the best
> Eddie

Don't worry Eddie, you're always a good boy :-)

It was actually at the Washington Cathedral Ringer's AGM in 2001 (if 
you remember, I was a member of the band for a few months around 
then) that we actually first saw the plans for the redesign of the 
Cathedral frame.




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