[Bell Historians] Notre Dame

David Cawley dave at 2w6Yzlq3F6NqbK8-RS-iI2hlYOgz6ZmUOlt_CyM9xQvXPMHB48OJ2GXSMiRzVtvXzJ494i6Tv9KM4FlXEsQt5vvcNw.yahoo.invalid
Wed Oct 11 11:32:59 BST 2006

I duly looked up the RW p.700, 17 August 1984, which CJP kindly refers to and it is a letter from himself, mentioning the said LP ("Grandes Heures Liturgiques a Notre-Dame de Paris" De Luxe RC 340, FY 001, made in 1973).

Chris states inter alia that the largest bell of the four is said to weigh 1915 Kg = 37-2-23 1/2, and the Bourdon (rehung in 1953) 13 tonnes. He also says that the clock is heard striking on three small clock bells - the quarters on the two larger and the hours on the smallest. Very peculiar.

This was in reply to an article on p.612 of the same year referring to a French press report that the four "enormes cloches" of the north tower viz:
Denise-David:  760 Kg
Hyacnith-Jean: also quoted as 760, shurely not?
Antoinette-Charlotte: 1300 Kg
Angelique Francoise: 1800 Kg
'had become "tres fatiguees" exposed as they are permanently to "le vent" and "la pluie" and worst of all to "les crottes de pigeon" - in fact the floor below  was apparently covered with three centimetres of "fiente de pigeon" '. Lucky them, I can think of a couple of towers where it is three metres!

Sorry about the mssing graves, acutes, circumflexes and cidyllas; don't know how to put them in.

That was the edition recording St Paul's win at St Paul's in the 12-bell. And the sartotial elegance of the band on the cover page is continued over to the back - as the picture there of Mark Regan illustrates. But that's not bell history.

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