[Bell Historians] Exeter Ontario

David Bryant davidbryant at nPAn_-ZTkHKH1U-5ED9uSzRTf4Z08bpUNuyWHD_ynyWcsWZyj1A8ViDaCThoRdXRYOVrbj3IupbIJ5fRBiDu.yahoo.invalid
Fri Oct 20 09:34:00 BST 2006

>I would guess that the "peal" was something like a 120 or other short
>touch, and the 4 hours a more modern gestimate. There are a number of UK
>examples of such "peals" from the 18th century.

There's a 'peal' board from the late C19 at St Mary's, Taunton, recording 
the first 120 of Grandsire Doubles rung by the local band.



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