[Bell Historians] Dowlish Wake Somerset

matthewhigby at a-x5a4m_dDRHbWPg7d77fcxrb_Q1XewAK5zjpM4PZvXHTwm4WueAmkvEFCxyKYXKNsN5PTNc0ptkrlo7.yahoo.invalid matthewhigby at a-x5a4m_dDRHbWPg7d77fcxrb_Q1XewAK5zjpM4PZvXHTwm4WueAmkvEFCxyKYXKNsN5PTNc0ptkrlo7.yahoo.invalid
Thu Sep 14 23:22:38 BST 2006

In a message dated 14/09/2006 19:37:24 GMT Standard Time,  
a_m_bull at VxoPPGYNEa25o6IugliOfCyBV8gYBa9vV2oYOEKHGQ4weLgEpW7azTRf-diafhPK9oDMM5ueMQr5RTcd6w0.yahoo.invalid writes:

Treble added in 2001;  transferred from St Augustine Centre, Southampton. 
Source:  Treble job book, RW 2001 p1190. RW article gives  approximate weights 
for back five and transposes founders and dates of 3 and  4; founder of 3rd 
given as per Bath & Wells listed bells register. Dove  gives tenor weight as 
7-3-10;  Wells  retuned the back  five in 1906, with the finished weights as given 
above. I suspect that the  revised “Dove” tenor weight is merely a 
re-weighing; I believe Bob Parker did  the work in 2001 and the bells may all have gone 
to Whitechapel. I’d be  interested to know what weights are given on the 
ringing room  chart. 
Andrew  Bull

I removed the bell from the Augustine Centre for the Keltek Trust. It was  
later passed onto Bob Parker for Dowlish Wake.  The bell was retuned by  
Whitechapel and was hung in the original treble pit. The second of six now  hangs 
above in a rider frame.
The ring of five were rehung on new headstocks by Bob a few years  
beforehand. I don't think they left the tower.

Matthew Higby  & Co Ltd,
Church Bell Engineers.
Jasmine Cottage,
The  Street,
BA3 4HN.
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