[Bell Historians] Steelwork into masonary
David Bryant
davidbryant at hnYMINCkmRj4OKKo0xYaeV9YW4r7SNRuP-eQdbyulf28H4O_rm7JFmA_pLJwdHFiQO93vbRHe8r4vLue64RYtJU.yahoo.invalid
Fri Feb 23 20:41:52 GMT 2007
> I seem to remember seeing something, years ago, produced by Sir A P
Haywood along the lines of "Church Towers and Bellframes - an Appeal to
Church Architects" but haven't been able to find a copy since. I have no
idea of the content - but the title sounded good for a start!
You mean:
Heywood, Sir A. P, Bart. (1914) Bell Towers and Bell Hanging: An Appeal to
We have it in the ringers' collection at York Minster. I'll try to remember
to bring it home on Sunday and see if it mentions anything helpful to this
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