[Bell Historians] Exeter Cathedral

David Bryant davidbryant at VLwnqpMUtGQQVFeXVPU1uW2nDeSGYsb5D_VB74OL1JpUM8wfN4smgjoxHBct54BUcy6U5QQFlCrft3lOSr64o02LoA.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 3 08:00:12 GMT 2007

> Two of you work it out as 1964 and Jim H. says he purchased his copy in
1969 - I guess that dates it very well indeed.

There's also a chapter by John Scott in a book called 'Exeter Cathedral: a
Celebration' published a few years ago. This is basically an updated version
of the booklet although it has fewer pictures.

There has also been some excavation of bellfoundry sites in Exeter - I have
an offprint from the Devon Archaeological Journal about the excavation of
the Byrdall foundry, including a photo of the 4th bell at the Cathedral
which is a product of the foundry.



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