[Bell Historians] Half-pull Ringing

Bickerton, Roderic K (SELEX) (UK) roderic.bickerton at 3f3q1BprHXzyObLD-gMiW7us3VLXQK3-yiaV35ONgufzaoX9sWC4RgWuSMgNWdJQMhBWGEykCwYyHM3czqiau8-GiZ4uegE.yahoo.invalid
Fri Nov 16 14:18:12 GMT 2007

Good points, if Mew is prepared to do it , please consider making it
accessible on http://en.wikipedia.org as well as the RW.
The history of the development of bell fittings must be one of the few
subjects not covered at all.

RW articles are limited in size and are quickly forgotten.
Perhaps one day back issues of RW will be on line, giving a searchable
reference source accessible anywhere.
Would that more early works were available like this

Mew said:
"But if the likes of 
Cyril Wratten, Bill Cook and John Eisel have failed then what hope?"

They have not provided easially accessable information.
RCO asked "Why do we need to theorise when the history ..."
Fair point, but do we REALLY know all the answers on this, and - anyway
- isn't it fun to speculate.
The other aspect, though, is that "if it ain't on the Internet then it
ain't knowledge" for some - and it's easier to ask a question on the
list than it is to reach for a book and look up the answer
Do sometimes wonder if the end of the book is coming faster than we

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