[Bell Historians] FW: Interest in a bell

Dickon Love dickon at ch67ZFqrQvcNB_1JF_jMmS9litv2Q0d0ISF9VBB-mahltX0cnxlgQHZJAzoVTZBkNo-VcQKV6G5bygmPxw.yahoo.invalid
Mon Feb 4 22:13:22 GMT 2008

> Anyone??

Looks Russian to me.  The last letter of the central word isn't very
clear (it could be an -i or hard sign) but 'zavod' means factory, so
probably pertains to the word "foundry" or "foundries" or "works". I
can't see the others that clearly.  I'll have another look when I have
access to a dictionary and feeling more sober...

(The first word looks like DONM and the last EFIMA, all transliterated.
The last letter of the first word is very unclear.)

(whose Polish is catching up on his Russian)

P.S. Half wondering whether this is Old Bulgarian or Ukrainian.  Should
be able to check (no pun intended).


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