[Bell Historians] Chris Dalton

jshe726707 at fn1dDdxxXl_STSx9CuE16nwAAjZDkHCMiq8sLhqYiJfJDjzq0aYmmcMCZcjQB5NKLYW8o_iDRbAc.yahoo.invalid jshe726707 at fn1dDdxxXl_STSx9CuE16nwAAjZDkHCMiq8sLhqYiJfJDjzq0aYmmcMCZcjQB5NKLYW8o_iDRbAc.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 5 18:20:41 GMT 2008

In a message dated 05/02/2008 17:38:43 GMT Standard Time,  
bill at HQo2yk4g3yonhbhPPZBVm4Y_DWnCzwFVZq2r7KRmr-KS7yl2obDSsqIREnhcmWV_0Y1sxpB-c1R3xGXnx_A.yahoo.invalid writes:

One of  Chris' memorials must be his photographs. They are to be found 
in church  guidebooks in the most unexpected places. His photographs of 
bells, under  difficult lighting and access conditions, are  remarkable.

Yes they are exceptional and his Church Bells of Dorset will  stand as part 
of his legacy , perhaps we should also remember his wit , which  sometimes 
surfaced in his more scholarly enterprises . He was rightly opposed to  what he 
believed would be inferior work , and in vol.1 of CBOD comes this   comment on a 
fine Gillett bell hung ( for ringing ) in Bournemouth being sounded  by an 
Ellacombe and an electrical tolling hammer " If the people of Bournemouth  
insist on having their bells sounded without human effort , they would do well  to 
have them swung , rather than tolled , electrically as is done extensively on  
the Continent " . He also had the ability to argue a point successfully with 
a  one line comment . In the early seventies there was a proposal to replace a 
 certain ring with a light six . The letter from a foundry finished as  
follows " We think that you would like our 2 cwt ring of six " . Read out with  
disdain and he added " Oh no we wouldn't Vicar " , and all thoughts of having  
this replacement were immediately discarded .
Christopher was a one in a generation ringer , and he cannot be  replaced
Jim Shepard
ps Was it Christopher in a letter many years ago who in reply to a letter  
about what the bell at Blandford Town Hall was made of said " It  is no made of 
cast iron than it is of icing sugar " . 

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