[Bell Historians] Encylopaedia plates (was "The list")

Alan Ellis alan_ellis at 5QfHf0z77Z0e4r4pXgInNyMT77OmdQD3mI-wv-cPMCWsIu10pAbWIvoOU1M4ZrzyuSNbS4ufLGeQrgSA.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jan 12 15:23:53 GMT 2008

Hello Chris,

If others are like myself, we are intrigued with the origin of these two 
plates and would love to know the answer.   I've never seen them before.

Best wishes

Alan Ellis

Chris Pickford wrote:
> Just to clarify my intentions/needs here, I had intended David to upload 
> the pictures and give me the url so I could post a slightly more 
> detailed request and refer people to the pictures. However, I can 
> understand that as "gatekeeper" he took my request as one to allow my 
> messge to go though as it was.
> In the Swan collection there are multiple copies of these two plates, 
> but no indication of what publication they had been taken from except 
> that they are headed BELL Plate 1 (and 2) at the top, and marked Vol.3 
> in the bottom left-hand corner. Many of the images are well known from 
> other sources (e.g. the Warner chiming mangle), but what I'm keen to 
> know is the title, date etc of the book in which these particular plates 
> appeared.
> Can anybody help? I would have said "replies off list please" but it 
> sounds from GAD's posting that others may be interested too
> Chris Pickford


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