[Bell Historians] Bell Ropes.

Anne Willis zen16073 at JCilk-HDjOdEyHb9mbYrXbt5iyvVW6vFIfv2cL2IJnXu2lNV9Nh-rz9nSiq5bWTz_W-tiJgDlW0fHPBdvg.yahoo.invalid
Mon Nov 17 10:55:35 GMT 2008

Alan Buswell wrote  
'One has heard of many instances of Bell Yard or Bell Field where itinerant
bell founders cast their bells but how frequent do we find examples of the

The name Bell Field may also have been given to land whose rent was used to
maintain the bells.
There was some land at Hilperton Marsh, near Trowbridge, which was given for
the maintenance of Trowbridge bells by a grateful person who had lost his
way and was guided home by the sound of Trowbridge bells.  The visible
reminder of this is 'The Ring of Bells' B&B, Marsh Road, Trowbridge.



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