[Bell Historians] Lincoln College

Sue Marsden erincaters at yf66dWga0WNQX6b8fsLn15ESn2KQVsgIbmesyAE9RYuPbzYOJcOzrtydAF-W-Dz8iXriiAYMXD-i487BKUnK.yahoo.invalid
Wed Dec 2 09:24:40 GMT 2009

> Why Rev. John Eccles was involved with South Fambridge in the first place is a question for others to answer, but it would appear that he was indeed Rector and probably supplied the church with a bell because as far as I can determine, it had been without one since 1552!
> Brian Meldon

Isn't that contrary to church law? I thought all CofE churches had to
have at least one bell -or did that come into effect aftert that date?



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